We’ll be set up at the Die Active y-Art sale once again.   Sat. July 14th 12-5pm – All of Cooke Street (behind The Sovereign Room) will be closed to traffic for the NINTH ANNUAL Y-Art Sale and the LOST AND FOUND Street Art Festival.

Find over 50 emerging artists selling their handmade treasures!
Shop for original art, silk screened shirts/patches, photography, ceramics, embroidery, zines, jewellery, vintage clothing, books, records and much more!

Find handmade, crafted and collected treasures by emerging artists ages 13-30ish. The Y-Art Sale is unlike any other yard sale or arts/crafts fairs you’ve been to. Come chill with us! Soak up live music & dance, food vendors, free art workshops, and the completion of TBay’s first and only GRAFFITI ALLEY.

All proceeds go to the artists! Support our artists of the future

Y-Art Sale

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